Includes Ultimate Diablo Item Editor 2 (UdieToo) and Hero Editor. You don't have to change anything, just leave this window open (minimized is fine) while you play. To avoid/fix this, simply right-click on the desktop and open Screen Resolution.

Known issue: on Windows 7 and up (maybe even some earlier versions), the game's colors are all garbled. It is configured to run 1280x800 resolution. To keep save files in the same folder, run as administrator. Runs on all Windows (including 7 and up). If you want a particular patch, just extract that into the game folder and you'll be set. Later patches are included, but the MultiRes plugin only works on 1.12. Pre-installed Diablo II: Lord of Destruction from Blizzard Entertainment patch 1.12 (English) with MultiRes plugin that lets you run the game in high resolutions.